The benefits and features.

Voog is easy to use but still offers many benefits and features to every customer. Whether you’re building an online store, a website, or a personal blog.


Powerful editor

You can change the look of a Voog template by adjusting colors, fonts and editing paddings and margins.

File manager

You can upload files and images to your account and easily add them to any of your webpages.

Code snippets

You can easily add, edit, and delete different small code snippets on your webpage or online store.

Social features

You can add customized social plugins to your site to help your site’s visitors spread the word in social media.


You can set up your webpage in any number of languages. It is easy to reach people in different countries.

SEO tools

You have access to our Search Engine Optimization tools to make sure your page reaches your target audience.

Redirect tools

You can set up URLs for your campaigns or fix broken links by redirecting from one URL to another.

Custom domains

You can import your own custom domain to Voog, use a free domain or buy one through Voog.

SSL security

You can add a free Let's Encrypt certificate to your Voog website to make sure your site is secure.

Online store

Payment processing

You can integrate Voog with a variety of payment methods. As a bonus we support offline payments too.

Global shipping

You can set up shipping by offering differently priced delivery methods. Or if you want, just sell locally.

Full order management

You can send automatic invoices and payment receipts to buyers. And you can get notification for each sale.

Discount codes

You can create discounts for select products, the whole cart or shipping — it’s completely up to you.

Dynamic pricing

You can set up rules for discounts and flexible shipping costs based on the size of the customer’s shopping cart.

Videos and Galleries

You can add videos and pictures to your shop to showcase your products or services.



You can use any of our many templates for your blog, and edit and customise them as you see fit.

Password protected pages

You can share your thoughts privately with your friends and loved ones by setting up password protected pages.

Invite Editors

You can easily add editors or new owners to your site. Send invitations right from your site interface.

SEO tools

Customize META descriptions

You can edit the metadata for each page on your website individually or for the whole site at once.

Automatic Scoring

You can see how well your page has been optimized with Voog’s automatic SEO scoring tool.

Robots and Sitemap

You don’t have to worry about your sitemap or robots.txt file as Voog will generate those for you automatically.

Analytic tools

Page performance

You can analyse the traffic and visitors of each page in your domain and get an overview of who is visiting your site.

Traffic sources

You can see the sources of your traffic. That way you’ll know how people get to your website.

Google Analytics

You can easily set up your Google Analytics account inside Voog and gain access to more analytics tools.


Custom forms

You can collect feedback, take orders, or create simple contact forms to communicate with your customers.

Form access

You can access your form entries anytime you want from your website as they are stored right here in Voog.

Export forms data

You can export the data from your forms easily with CVS to manage it on your computer.


Developer Toolkit

You can stick to whichever code editor you prefer working on. Just keep it in sync with your website.

Database builder

You can build dynamic content like product catalogues with Voog’s database objects.

Online code editor

You can edit everything on the frontend. Voog’s standard Liquid templating markup is based on HTML.

Powerful API

You have access to a comprehensive programmatic interface to push, pull, and manage bits of your website.


You can set up and send automated webhooks from Voog to connect with any external applications.

Affiliate program

You can get 50% from each initial sale if you are developing a Voog website for your client.

Build your online
store. Today.

Get your uniuque online store going in 15 minutes with our easy-to-use website and online store builder.