
Editor Keyboard shortcuts

There are many keyboard shortcuts that you can use to make your life easier while using the Voog design editor. It has most of the usual keyboard shortcuts your text editor has already built in.

Shortcut Action
CTRL + SHIFT + H Toggle Voog developer help
CTRL + S Save current template, stylesheet or javascript
CTRL + SHIFT + F Find in files
CTRL + SHIFT + 1 Add layout
CTRL + SHIFT + 2 Add component
CTRL + SHIFT + 3 Add style (.css is added if name is inserted without .css)
CTRL + SHIFT + 4 Add script (.js is added if name is inserted without .js)
CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHTARROW Tab navigation left
CTRL + SHIFT + LEFTARROW Tab navigation right
ALT + hover image file in list Show quick preview of image

We are using the Ace editor - so any of ace's keyboard shortcuts should also work.